Getting started

scikit-fuzzy is an fuzzy logic Python package that works with numpy arrays. The package is imported as skfuzzy:

>>> import skfuzzy

though the recommended import statement uses an alias:

>>> import skfuzzy as fuzz

Most functions of skfuzzy are brought into the base package namespace. You can introspect the functions available in fuzz when using IPython by:

[1] import skfuzzy as fuzz
[2] fuzz.

and pressing the Tab key.

Finding your way around

A list of submodules and functions is found on the API reference webpage.

Within scikit-fuzzy, universe variables and fuzzy membership functions are represented by numpy arrays. Generation of membership functions is as simple as:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import skfuzzy as fuzz
>>> x = np.arange(11)
>>> mfx = fuzz.trimf(x, [0, 5, 10])
>>> x
array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10])
>>> mfx
array([ 0. ,  0.2,  0.4,  0.6,  0.8,  1. ,  0.8,  0.6,  0.4,  0.2,  0. ])

While most functions are available in the base namespace, the package is factored with a logical grouping of functions in submodules. If the base namespace appears overwhelming, we recommend exploring them individually. These include


Fuzzy membership function generation


Defuzzification algorithms to return crisp results from fuzzy sets


The core of scikit-fuzzy, containing the majority of the most common fuzzy logic operations.


Interval mathematics. The restricted Dong, Shah, & Wong (DSW) methods for fuzzy set math live here.


Limited fuzzy logic image processing operations.


Fuzzy c-means clustering.


Fuzzy Inference Ruled by Else-action (FIRE) filters in 1D and 2D.